Wednesday, April 15, 2020

This one is for Darcy who said the Dirt Grass block is the best in the game, while i appreciate you giving me your opinion and respect it highly, im going to have to disagree with you.

Although it was one of the first two blocks in the game, along with cobblestone. It was not always as what you may see when u look at the minecraft icon. in the very first version of the game, the block you're referring to might've has well been named just grass, because that's exactly what it was, just grass, no dirt. Although it is minecrafts most iconic block, it is also minecrafts most changed block.

                          The above statement is taken directly from the official minecraft website

Another reason i have to disagree with you is because of its commonalty. It is found nearly everywhere in the game and only has 3 variants, this is dismal compared to some of the other blocks in minecraft, such as wood, and stone. It is also very weak, most likely the weakest in the game, and it poses no benefits as to when you break it, not with your hands, tools. Not even enchanted ones at that, all it is and ever will be. is dirt. And that is why i disagree with you.

The below picture is what the Minecraft loading screen sued to look like, mainly consisting of Cobble stone and it's relative, Stone.

Although you are correct, it is the logo for the game, but cobblestone was also for a bit, cobblestone could be found in minecrafts old title text and logo as well. And as it is much less common, as it requires you to do some digging, or exploring at the least, it is much stronger and has many more variants and relatives it can me smelt into and crafted into. Using cobblestone as a main resource, you can craft over 12 different blocks, but with dirt, all you can make. is dirt.

           The above picture is an example of what Grass dirt blocks used to look like, just Grass

Overall i give Grass Dirt block a:

Affordability: 5/5 Considering it is quite literally free and can easily be obtained.

Usefulness: .5/5 Hold your horses thats a POINT 5. Half of 1, it only gets it because its an easily accessible structure block, and if we are all honest, we have all built a dirt house.

Looks: 3/5 It has bland, but iconic look to it, as it definitely has changed over the years.

Is it Minecrafts best block? DEFINITELY NOT UNDER 0 CIRCUMSTANCES HAS IT AND WILL EVER BE! understood? ^U^

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