Thursday, April 16, 2020

This one is for Samuel C who said Hoppers were minecrafts best block. Which in all seriousnees might be true, Hoppers are the foundation of automatic farms. or just some farms in general, as without them, your items would just disappear, but not with hoppers. They collect your items and can easily transport them from hopper to hopper, chest to chest, even dimension to dimension!

Below is an example of Inter-dimensional redstone

 Thanks to inter dimensional redstone, you can now have a Zombie pigman farm going on and delivering gold nuggets straight through the nether portal and into your chests in your base! Hoppers are very expendable, as you can go from having a line of hoppers, to a single hopper in a minecart picking up your items from up to 16 blocks without slowing down.

                                             Above is the crafting Recipe for Hoppers

The hopper is also very affordable, as all you need is a single chest, as well as 5 iron, to me it would make more sense if it was 5 iron blocks as the texture and thickness of the block is similar to that of the anvil which uses 3.4 iron blocks. But in that scenario it would be too expensive, so im glad it is as cheap as it is. With hoppers you can easily transport items from base to base, create sorting systems that only need a pile of junk to sort it into your giant room of chests, each chest tailored to a specific block. They can also be used to lock doors, and create machines that need a certain item to be used.

Below is an example of a SIMPLE sorting system

I think Samuel is onto something here, however my favourite block is still the Noteblock.
Before hoppers, farms were relying on players to collect the items they produced, meaning players would just stand in one place for hours upon hours without moving, just to make sure their crops were collected, so the hopper definitely revolutionized the farming industry in minecraft, as well as so much more.

I give Hoppers a:

Affordability: 4.5/5 Its the fact that it's too cheap, making them easy to mass produce.

Usefulness: 5/5 There is nothing else i can imagine this being used for that it isn't used for already

Looks: 4/5 I feel as they could slightly be improved, maybe a bit more detail in the connector part. Otherwise it looks amazing!

Is it Minecrafts best block? Just Maybe...

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